Miami Metro


Insite Street Media offers more than 3,600 advertising bus benches and shelters throughout Miami-Dade and Broward Counties.

2/3 of the Miami Metro area

The Seventh most populous metropolitan area in the United States.

Miami-Dade County and Broward County comprise the two most populous counties in Florida with a combined population of 4,436,503 according to the U.S. Census Bureau.

The area is home to 58 incorporated cities and many unincorporated areas. The Miami area is a leader in finance, commerce, culture, media, entertainment, the arts and international trade. This is not to mention the tourism industry with many beaches, boating and fishing.


The Broward County ethnicity demographics are white (non-Hispanic) 42.5%, black (non-Hispanic) 26.7% and Hispanic/Latino 26.9%. The median income for a household in Miami Dade County is $49,758 and the per capita income for the county is $46,048.

The Broward county median household income is $56,702 and the county’s per capita income is $48,680.

The Average commute time to work is 33 minutes in Miami Dade with 76% driving alone. In Broward, the average commute time is 29 minutes with 81% driving alone.



The Miami Dade County ethnicity demographics are 65% Hispanic/Latino with 34% being of Cuban ancestry, the largest concentration in the United States. Black (non-Hispanic) make up to 17.1% and white (non-Hispanic) 15.4% of the population.


Latino Community

The largest latino community in the US.

Source: 2017 U.S. Census Bureau, 2018 U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis
